Tomatoes and cheese - natural fermented tomato cheese pack

2023-10-29 14:13:23BAKING





Main dough: 550 grams of high starch flour
100 grams of natural yeast (100% water powder)
12 grams of salt
20 grams of unsalted butter
250 grams of Swiss cheese
Moderate amount of combined vanilla powder
20 g of white sugar
Canned crushed tomatoes (estimated 90 percent moisture content) 400 grams
4 grams of quick yeast powder

How TO MADE Tomatoes and cheese - natural fermented tomato cheese pack

Steps 1 to 4

1. High-quality flour 550 g + crushed tomatoes 400 g + salt 12 g + sugar 20 g, cookware head 1-2 speed, mix the material into dough, soak (settle) 60 minutes

2. Soak the dough well + natural yeast (100% water powder ratio), start the cook machine 1-2 times, knead until the yeast is completely compatible with the dough, stop the machine, let it sit and loosen the dough for 15 minutes; loose dough + room temperature softened unsalted butter 20g, start the cook machine, knead until the oil is completely kneaded into the dough, so that the dough is stronger, repeatedly start the cook machine, knead until the dough can pull out a thinner film.

3. Finally, add the appropriate amount of synthetic vanilla powder + 4 g of quick yeast powder (you can also not add, wait patiently for the natural yeast to slowly awaken), mix evenly, cover the preservative film for basic fermentation.

4. When the dough has doubled in size, test the dough with your fingers, and the dough will slowly bounce back to indicate that the fermentation is complete.

Steps 5 to 8

5. A suitable amount of dry powder is applied to the silicone mat, the dough is removed from the fermentation pot, gently press the exhaust pressure, the roll is loosened for 20 minutes; the loosened dough is divided into small doughs of 85 g each, the dough is rolled again, loosened for 10 minutes.

6. Chopped cheese

7. The loose dough is pressed into a thick dough, wrapped in sliced cheese butter, placed in a pan covered with oil paper, covered with a preservative film, and the final fermentation is carried out.

8. When the area of the group is enlarged again by more than one times, check whether the fermentation of the raw dough has been completed, touch the surface of the light dough with your finger and the dry powder will hardly bounce off the surface of the underlying dough, indicating that the final fermentation is complete (in the final stage, the dough should be observed and tested to ensure that the dough is not over-fermented).

Steps 9 to 12

9. The oven grille is filled with stone plates, heated to 230 degrees, lowered to 180 degrees, preheated one hour in advance, the bread is baked, cut the cross at the top with scissors, spray some water on the surface of the baked goods before entering the oven, put into the oven for 15 minutes, open the warehouse door and spray some water into the warehouse, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

10. 10 minutes in the oven

11. Spray water for 15 minutes to increase humidity and cool to 180 degrees.

12. Writing the steps