Coffee and cookies

2023-10-29 14:16:06BAKING





45 grams of butter
64 grams of low-fat flour
27 grams of flour
8 grams of whole egg liquid
1.8 grams of instant coffee powder
Hot water 1.35 grams

How TO MADE Coffee and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. After the coffee powder is mixed with water, the butter is softened, the sugar powder is added, and the egg is stirred evenly with a manual egg beater.

2. Add the egg juice and add the butter.

3. The butter is bulky, slightly whitish in color, and smooth and delicate in texture.

4. Pour into the coffee grounds and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sift into low powder and mix into a uniform paste

6. Put it in a bag and squeeze it into your favorite shape.

7. Depending on the temperament of your oven, about 190 degrees, put the middle or upper layer, bake for about 10 minutes, the coffee cookie should pay attention to the color, the last few minutes must be looked at carefully, the finished product comes out of the oven, full of house smell, taste a bite, crispy taste added to the aroma of coffee, let the mouth not stop

Handy cooking tips

  When adding eggs to butter, be sure to add them in stages, and each time stir until the eggs and butter are safely combined.Don't be in such a hurry, or the egg oil will separate.2 liters of butter does not need to be poured.The entire stirring process can be controlled for about 5 minutes (depending on the specific situation).3 cookies are baked for a short time, easy to bake, the last few minutes must be watched on the side, you can take them out after baking to your favorite color.