Black and white chocolate mousse

2023-10-29 14:16:07BAKING


  For the dream, try to run! Maybe, it's only a step away, it's between heaven and earth! This step distance, I still can't cross! A long month of waiting, I've imagined countless endings! The unexpected joy, it still didn't come! People say, without hope, there is no disappointment! In fact, I really had no hope! But, when I knew that ending, I was disappointed!



250 ml of cream
90 grams of dark chocolate
60 grams of white sugar
10 grams of gelatin
100 ml of milk
20 grams of cocoa powder
A little lemon juice
250 ml of cream
White chocolate (20 grams of white chocolate instead of 110 grams of cocoa powder in dark chocolate mousse)
10 grams of gelatin
100 ml of milk
A little lemon juice
60 grams of white sugar

How TO MADE Black and white chocolate mousse

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, make the dark chocolate mousse gelatin soft with cold water.

2. Milk, lemon juice and soft gelatin are heated until the gelatin melts.

3. Add cocoa powder and mix with an egg beater.

4. The melting of dark chocolate

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix the milk and gelatin solution with the dark chocolate solution, stir evenly, cool until not hot.

6. Light cream to six degrees.

7. Stir the cream and chocolate solution evenly.

8. Place the mousse in a container and refrigerate.

9. White chocolate mousse Use 20 grams of white chocolate to replace the cocoa powder in the black chocolate mousse, the first step is to melt the milk gelatin solution directly, without adding cocoa powder! The second step is to melt all the white chocolate. The other steps are exactly the same.