The Temptation of Purity - Angel Cake

2023-10-29 14:16:12BAKING


  Since my grandmother came to help me bring my son, my fridge has become hers, most of what used to be in the fridge was my baked goods, since my grandmother came, the fridge has been filled with big fish and big meat, that's why my stuff always takes up space, no, today to give her space, I can only use all the frozen egg whites and make a big angel cake!Because I have a lot of protein, I've increased the amount of low-flour and cornstarch, and I've added 10 minutes.



Protein seven
70 grams of low-fat flour
140 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of cornstarch
5 drops of white vinegar
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE The Temptation of Purity - Angel Cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The ingredients are simple, egg whites, refined sugar, mixed low starch salt and cornstarch.

2. Add vinegar when the fish's eyes bubble, add sugar three times to reach the moist bubble.

3. If you have a small curve, you can do it.

4. The mixed flour is then sifted and stirred evenly with a scraper (do not stir in circles, it will evaporate).

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour it into a mold and flatten it with a scraper.

6. I'm an 8-inch model, and since I don't have an angel model, I'm wrapped in a tin foil bottle as a chimney, which is also very useful.

7. The oven is preheated, the middle and lower layers, 190 degrees, 45 hours of cooking, isn't that nice?

8. Isn't it tempting and appetizing to post a finished product?


Handy cooking tips

  1. The amount of sugar in the individual can be reduced a little more.2. Suitable for beginner practitioners, with almost zero failure rate.3. No reverse cooling after firing.It's easy to get out of shape, because it's very Q, it's not as delicate as the wind.5. children like my son who are allergic to any milk powder and dairy products, it is also a good idea, but children who are allergic to protein should not eat ha^_^