Purple cake

2023-10-29 14:17:34BAKING


  Baking is a dead end, and it gets deeper and deeper.I've never made a cake before, but this time I'm thinking of making a cake with coarse grain, first because it's good for my body to eat more coarse grain, and second because it makes my husband's breakfast more beautiful.



50 grams of flour
Two purple potatoes
Three eggs
100 grams of butter
White sugar in moderation

How TO MADE Purple cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, peel the purple potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

2. Distilled water in a pot

3. (Because later the purple potatoes will be turned into clay, so don't be lazy now, the smaller the cut, the easier)

4. The more delicate the mixture, the more it saves energy.

Steps 5 to 8

5. When the butter is softened in the pot, you can soften it and make the egg juice.

6. Egg juice and sugar, hit the bubbles.

7. Add the egg juice to the butter and mix thoroughly.

8. Bread flour and purple potato paste are put into butter and eggs, and the flour and purple potatoes are eaten.

9. Now that we know that the work we did before was not in vain, it's much simpler!

10. Lay the tin paper, pour it into the container, and send it to the oven.

11. Bake on medium heat for 10 minutes, then bake on low heat for 10 minutes.

12. (Every oven is different, time is up to you, you can drag it out and see)

13. It's coming out of the oven! It's going to cool down a bit.

14. Are the colors beautiful?