Cooked chocolate cake

2023-10-29 14:25:45BAKING


  The cake shape made by the Kuklov mold is very beautiful, I bought an 8-inch cake mold, the cake body is made according to the 6-inch cake square, the mold looks a bit big, the cake is baked without supporting the mold, the shape of the Kuklov mold is not fully reflected, the cake height is slightly lower.Next time, double the weight of the material.The only dissatisfaction is the quality of some of the raw materials, which affects the taste and aroma of the cake.To make cakes, try to choose the best raw materials that the economy and time allow, whether you make them yourself or send them to your friends, be sure to guarantee the quality!



100 grams of beef oil (room temperature)
75 grams of eggs
30 grams of almond flour
15 grams of chocolate
White sugar 80 grams
60 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of corn flour
15 grams of brandy or rum
Beef oil (melted)
Apply the mold in moderation
High-quality flour
Sugar cream (surface decoration) in moderation
A little bit of salt
2 grams of flour

How TO MADE Cooked chocolate cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Powder weighing, screening

2. Almond powder screened (hand pressed screened)

3. The mold is coated with melted beef oil, such as refrigerator refrigeration.

4. Spread the eggs.

5. It is cooked with butter, salt, and white sugar several times until it is white and soft and smooth.

6. Add the egg juice several times, place the oil, separate the egg juice, stir thoroughly so that it blends and softens.

7. Add the sifted almond flour, stir-fry evenly, so that the flour and paste are completely mixed, and no almond flour particles are seen.

8. Pour into the wine, add the sifted powder once, stir and mix.

9. At this point, take out the mold from the refrigerator and apply the beef oil evenly again.

10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

11. After sifting the high-strength flour, spread it evenly in the mold, so that a circle around the inside of the mold is evenly stacked with powder, it is easy for the cake to fall out of the mold after baking.

12. Hot water, insulation and chocolate.

13. Let it melt, add half of the dough, mix evenly, pour into the other half of the dough, mix evenly, pour into the mold, shake once, shake out the bubbles inside the cake.

14. Put on the grill, 180 degrees, up and down the fire, 30 minutes, the whole appears burnt yellow, the cake body and the mold appear gaps, then you can take out the oven, turn it upside down on the cooling rack, completely cooled, naturally de-moulded.

15. If you put sugar powder on the surface of the cake, it's OK!