Chinese potato pizza

2023-10-29 14:29:20PIES


  Now that the potatoes are on the market in large quantities, the price has dropped to 3 yuan a kilo, so hurry up and buy some to put in the fridge, if you want to eat it, you can do it anytime.My daughter loves pizza, and today she was passing by a pizza shop, and she had the idea to make a pizza with potatoes.I've been busy and I've finally made this potato pizza.This potato pizza, with a soft pastry base, filled with sweet and sour sauce, is delicious.Interested, you deserve a try.



One potato.
Two eggs.
Proper amount of fertilizer
Carrots in moderation
Moderate amount of corn
Peas in moderation
Onions in moderation
Meat in moderation
Tomato sauce in moderation
It's a very tasty sauce.
A moderate amount of salt
A moderate amount of pepper
A moderate amount of edible oil

How TO MADE Chinese potato pizza

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the ingredients, cut the carrots, the onions, the bacon, and the pork.

2. Peel the potatoes, grind them into fine threads, add an egg, then add salt and pepper powder and a small amount of extra-fresh sauce to stir evenly, and take a small bowl and put it in an egg to stir evenly

3. Heat in a non-sticky pan, add oil and fry the meat until the oil is slightly yellow.

4. Add the onion to the flavor.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the tomato sauce, a little bit of salt, and fry for about three minutes, and the tomato sauce is ready for use.

6. Brush a layer of oil in a non-sticky pan, pour into the potato egg juice, and spread.

7. The surface is slightly dried with tomato sauce.

8. Then sprinkle the carrots, the corn, the bacon, the peas.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Finally, pour the egg juice.

10. Cover the lid and cook slowly for eight minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of tomato sauce, spread carrot seeds, pour egg juice, if you don't move fast, the dough will be baked, it's best to turn off the fire first, after completing the above operation, then open the fire 2 tablespoons of potatoes must be rubbed into fine silk, after rubbing the potato silk, do not overwater, keep the starch 3 tablespoons of vegetables can be added 4 tablespoons according to your taste, if necessary move the pot so that the side of the pot is also exposed to heat 5 tablespoons when opening the pot to open the dough, that is, the dough will turn yellow