The cranberry cookie

2023-10-29 14:32:57COOKIE


  This should be the first cookie that most beginners make, the ingredients are simple, the method is simple, but the taste and the taste are not at all simple.I've tried this square many times.Very successful, and the cookies are delicious!



70 grams of cranberries
150 grams of butter
95 grams of flour
One egg.
230 grams of low-fat flour

How TO MADE The cranberry cookie

Steps 1 to 4

1. After the cranberries are harvested, they are cut with scissors.

2. Room-temperature softened butter

3. There are two quick ways, one is to use a blower to blow on the bottom of a bowl filled with butter, and the second is to put it in a microwave and heat it for twenty seconds, depending on the heat of the microwave in the house.

4. Not for long, but the softening doesn't melt.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the sugar powder, mix a little with the butter, otherwise the egg beater will splash.

6. Add the eggs to make them a little fluffy and then continue cooking.

7. It's almost like this.

8. Add the cranberries to stir evenly

Steps 9 to 12

9. Sift into low-fat flour, stir evenly, stir until there is no dry flour.

10. If you put it in the freezer for 40 minutes, you can get it out.

11. At the same time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

12. Turn to 175 degrees, bake for 20-25 minutes, pay attention to more observations, have a smell and a slight yellowing of the surface, about the same time.

13. After cooling for a while, the cookies are very crispy and delicious.
