Fat-free and low-fat oatmeal cookies

2023-10-29 14:32:59COOKIE


  The first time I added some milk, it turned into a bowl of porridge, I improved it several times, and finally I found that without adding water, this amount of oatmeal plus an egg was just right, I put two tablespoons of red sugar, and after making it, I found that the taste was good, the feeling of fullness was also normal, you can eat it as a small breakfast in the morning, when you eat a few pieces and a cup of milk in the morning, you feel very full!



120 grams of oats
About five dates
Red sugar in moderation
One egg.

How TO MADE Fat-free and low-fat oatmeal cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing 120 grams of oatmeal, oatmeal I choose this large slice of raw oatmeal, unprocessed, tasteless, is a good choice when losing weight

2. 5 red dates, peeled, cut or sliced

3. A moderate amount of red sugar (because I want to lose weight, I only put two tablespoons) and an egg, which is the big one.

4. Pour the red sugar dates into the oatmeal one by one, then add the eggs and start stirring.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After patiently stirring, it is cooked (do not add water at this stage, 120 g of oatmeal, with a normal size of about 60 g of eggs can definitely be mixed into a lump)

6. Prepare a small bowl of water (for a while mixed with oatmeal) on the grill put on the oil paper, be sure to put, tin paper can also, otherwise, because there is no oil in the biscuits, it is easy to stick to the grill, it can not be cooked at all, it is true that too much is tears, then preheat the oven

7. Put some water in your hand, take a piece of oatmeal and knead it flat, if you like the taste soft, knead it thick, if you like the taste crisp, knead it flat.

8. The taste of this biscuit really can't be compared to ordinary biscuits, biscuits and so on, after all, there is no oil and less sugar, the taste will certainly not be particularly crisp, nor will it be very sweet, but it is really healthy, when losing weight, the mouth is hungry for two pieces, when the grandmother comes, two pieces with red sugar, red dates and coarse grain are good for the body.