Sweet potatoes

2023-10-29 14:34:37COOKIE





170 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of butter
50 grams of flour
Three eggs.
12 grams of milk powder
A moderate amount of cranberries or raisins

How TO MADE Sweet potatoes

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing the food

2. Butter softening, mixed with sugar powder and milk powder

3. Mix it with the egg yolk.

4. Gradually sifted into low powder, homogenized, kneaded into dough

Steps 5 to 8

5. Grind the dough into small circles, gently flatten it, press it into the raisins or spread it over the raisins (gently press)

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, preheat for about five minutes, and the remaining dough will be ready.

7. Put it in the oven and bake it for about 15 minutes (you can add or subtract if you want, I cooked it for almost 20 minutes).

8. You can cook it in the oven and dry it.

Handy cooking tips

  You can also add a little white sesame depending on the taste of the person.The raisins are boiled in clear water for a while, then dried with water, and the dry water is sucked in with a kitchen towel.A few friends said 180 degrees is too high, so the temperature can be properly lowered to 170 degrees.Because I personally use 180 degrees, so the recipe says 180 degrees, but you can look at it in the last few minutes.This is relatively simple.May you all enjoy the deliciousness!