Red sugar nut cookies

2023-10-29 14:34:41COOKIE


  There's a lot of nuts left over from the end of the year, and you can add whatever you want to add to it.



130 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of butter
30 ml of corn oil
Nuts (peanut butter and jelly) 60 grams
50 grams of red sugar
One egg.

How TO MADE Red sugar nut cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Blessings to the Family

2. Cut the butter into small pieces and soften it, there's not enough time today, use a scraper to stir it a little more.

3. Add corn oil, mix the two oils together, the butter is still partly unsoftened, stir a little more

4. Add red sugar to the mixture, it's better to sift the red sugar, if you don't sift it, you need to stir it a little more, there will be some small particles

Steps 5 to 8

5. Spread one egg, add twice, and stir evenly.

6. Even if it's done, there will be no separation of water and oil.

7. It's not so much about sifting into low-fat flour, it's about adding it directly.

8. It's okay to stir it like this, don't stir it too much, it'll be a little soft, it's okay, just add the nuts.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add the nuts, you can cut them first, or you can not cut them, depending on personal preference, lazy words can not cut them

10. It's nice to be able to scratch it off with a razor, and it's a little bit soft.

11. Put it in a bag, form a rectangle, no mold, press it slowly with your hand, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it for an hour.

12. Because it's only been frozen for 40 minutes, it's still a little soft, but it can also be cut, it can be cut as wide as possible, about 5 to 7 centimeters, depending on personal preference (lay the packaging on the chopping board, so it's not greasy)

Steps 13 to 16

13. You can preheat the oven when you're doing this, 175 degrees Celsius.

14. 175 degrees for 18 minutes, individual ovens are not the same temperament, the last few minutes, it's better to watch, don't cook too much

15. After baking, put it outside to cool, then put it in a box, don't put it in hot.

Handy cooking tips

  Today's nuts are only peanut butter and jelly beans.You can cut it or not, and you can eat it directly.As for red sugar, you can replace it with sugar powder, I like the color of red sugar.