Cherry blossom and almond cookies

2023-10-29 14:35:40COOKIE


  I'm sorry I'm a grumpy person, but this cookie has a higher color because it's made with almond flour, and it's more spicy and tasty.



A moderate amount of salted cherries
35 grams of almond flour
80 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of flour
70 grams of butter
15 g of eggs

How TO MADE Cherry blossom and almond cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The material matches.

2. Or the saying that everything has to be prepared in advance to avoid a mess, and baking should be a very leisurely thing.

3. The cherry blossoms are boiled in hot water in advance and then set aside to rest.

4. (But remember to change the water a few times in between.)

Steps 5 to 8

5. The flour and almond flour are mixed evenly.

6. The mixed powder is poured into the sieve once.

7. (If it's almond flour, stir it slightly in the blender, but don't let it take too long, just a few seconds, otherwise it will get oil.)

8. A well-mixed powder

Steps 9 to 12

9. It will leave some coarse almond powder.

10. Butter added to sugar powder.

11. Stir for a while, otherwise the sugar powder will fly out when you throw it.

12. Then add the egg juice three times, stirring evenly.

Steps 13 to 16

13. (Note not an egg, not an egg, not an egg!!! Say the important words three times)

14. The powder poured into the sieve and the remaining large grains of almond flour.

15. Stir first with a chopstick, at first it will be more dispersed and dry, remember not to add liquid, then change hands, slowly you can knead into a dough.

16. The good dough is placed on the preservative film and then slightly kneaded.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Put it back in the mold, squeeze it a little bit to make it a little bit flatter.

18. Put it in the fridge for an hour.

19. If you freeze it, it'll last about 18 minutes.

20. Take out the refrigerated dough and cut it into thin, equal slices.

21. One by one, be careful not to get too close.

22. .

23. .

24. .

25. The oven is preheated at 180°C and heated at 160°C.

26. Cherry blossoms suck dry water with paper.

27. Put it on the cookie.

28. Put it in the oven for about 18 minutes.

29. (Temperature and time depend on the temperament of the ovens)

30. After cooking, it can be dried in the oven.

31. (The biscuits may be a little soft when they first come out of the oven, but not when they dry out.)

32. Finished product.

33. Some of the biscuits are coated with some white sugar, and they look good, and finally, the sweet ones can have 10 grams of sugar added.
