Baby toothbrush

2023-10-29 14:35:43COOKIE


  The baby is almost seven months old, it's not long, but I can't wait to make him all kinds of good food, hopefully all the food he can eat will taste like his mother!



100 grams of low-fat flour
About 20 milliliters of milk
Two eggs.

How TO MADE Baby toothbrush

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the flour, the milk, the butter.

2. Add some milk to the egg yolk, not too much, not too much, mix evenly.

3. Add the flour, stir it with a chopstick until there is no egg yolk, and then knead it into a dough.

4. If the flour is too dry, add a little milk to the mixture, and if the dough is soft, add a little dry flour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In general, the dough should be a little stiff.

6. Rub well and cover for more than ten minutes.

7. The dough is smoothly kneaded into thin, even slices, about 0.3 cm thick.

8. I forgot to take a picture... cut it into thumb-width strips, a little longer for the baby to take.

9. The sliced noodles are twisted into a doughnut and placed in a grill to be baked.

10. The oven can't be too hot.

11. It's cooked, dried and packed.

12. How long do you cook to see how your oven is, my grandfather's oven is very old, so I cooked it for a while and then cooked it again, probably for twenty or thirty minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  Don't make the dough too soft, or it won't form.When you twist it, twist it a little more, or it will slowly unravel on its own.