Green tea cake

2023-10-29 14:36:10COOKIE


  I just bought it, I'm going to try it, I'm going to give it to my friends.



125 grams of butter
125 grams of sugar powder
1.5 grams of salt
80 grams of eggs
250 grams of low-fat flour
Blue juice (green tea powder) 6 g
2.5 grams of flour

How TO MADE Green tea cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are ready.

2. Rub the butter until the hair turns white, add the sugar powder, and continue rubbing.

3. Add the eggs occasionally and rub evenly (if added once, the eggs are not well absorbed by the butter)

4. After grinding, add flour, green tea powder, baking powder (mix beforehand) with a folding method and a slightly soft dough

Steps 5 to 8

5. In the end, it's like this.

6. Lower dose, 10 grams each

7. Rounded and dispersed in plates (paper or high-temperature cloth in plates)

8. Flat, about 1 cm thick

Steps 9 to 12

9. Brush the egg juice twice (the first time without touching it and the second time)

10. Cross the surface with a toothpick.

11. Put in the oven, heat at 180°C, lower at 140°C, ripen for about 18 minutes, remove, cool and then naturally crisp.

12. It tastes great. It tastes great.

Handy cooking tips

  The dough must be soft, otherwise it will crack when pressed flat at the end, the baking time can be adjusted according to the oven, after all, each oven has its own temperament!