Health cookies

2023-10-29 14:37:27COOKIE


  This cookie has a crisp appearance combined with a sweet heart and a sense of happiness.



Moderate amount of flour
One egg.
A moderate amount of pumpkin
Cheese and cheese
1 g of flour
2 grams of yeast
Onions in moderation
3 tablespoons of white sugar

How TO MADE Health cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Eggs and onions (I don't have any onions in my house) and soda and sugar.

2. Three tablespoons of sugar like this.

3. Mixed fermentation in the packaging machine

4. One by one, into small doses like this.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It's too thin in the picture, about 0.7 cm thick, and I did it again later.

6. It's almost seven o'clock in the evening, and it's romantic in a loving way.

7. Put it in the oven.

8. Cheese and butter, with pumpkin paste (it was in the morning, because I hadn't taken a picture of the TAT since the military academy, which is the yellow bowl in the picture)

9. Cut the biscuits and add the cream cheese.

10. Finished products