Margaret's cookies

2023-10-29 14:37:40COOKIE


  I remember the first biscuit I started baking was cranberry biscuits, this margarita is really simple, because it's made with starch, so it's almost instantaneous, people think this snack should be tasted carefully, don't put it in your mouth, it's too dry, it's easy to choke.



Low flour 100 grams
100 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of butter
50 grams of flour
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Margaret's cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients are ready, the eggs are cooked, just take the egg yolk, sift it.

2. Soften the butter (soften it, separate it into water) and add all the sugar powder.

3. When the butter is slightly white, the volume can swell.

4. Add the egg yolk to stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Low-flour and cornstarch screening

6. Mix it by hand and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

7. The square is a reference.

8. The next step is to forget to take it, refrigerate it, take it out, grind it into small balls, about 10 grams each, put it in a grill with baking paper, press it with your thumb one by one, the cracked pattern will be natural, the first time you do it, the crack doesn't look good

9. Put it in a preheated oven 175 degrees, middle layer, about 25 minutes, each oven temperature is different, quickly see if it is good, not enough to add another 5 minutes

10. Map of the finished product