Margaret Couch

2023-10-29 14:37:41COOKIE


  Margaret biscuits, an easy-to-make biscuit, have a thick taste, and a bite of biscuit dough often falls to the ground.The smell of baked milk can be felt throughout the house, and it's warm.



100 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of butter
Two boiled eggs.
60 grams of flour

How TO MADE Margaret Couch

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials low starch flour 100 g, cornstarch 100 g, butter 100 g, cooked egg yolk 2 g, sugar powder 60 g

2. Start baking the butter first take it out of the fridge and start softening, because softening takes some time, so first take it out, then wait for the softening to start the other steps wait for the butter to soften and then you can cook the eggs, this time I use a cold water pot, if the water is not over the eggs, after boiling the water for eight minutes you can cook the eggs and wait for them to be ready, the butter is basically softened, inside the softened butter, add white sugar, you can use the egg beater, reach the volume begins to swell, we are pine foam

3. The egg yolk is removed from the egg, and the protein is usually eaten directly with fresh sauce (it tastes good, and it can also relieve hunger), the egg yolk is removed and crushed, I'm more lazy, I just press it with my finger for a few minutes, and add the crushed egg yolk to the butter.

4. At this time, low-fat flour, cornstarch can be added.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It's better not to wear gloves, I brought it, it's hard to bear, and it's hard to operate, because I made it myself, so as long as you make sure your hands are clean, it's okay.

6. The mixed dough should be slightly dry and not too wet.

7. Wrap the good dough in a preservative film, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, it can take a little longer, I forgot to do it once, it took half a day to get it out, it tastes basically the same.

8. The picture I have here is actually the amount of making 10 plates of cookies, because everyone thinks it's good to eat, so make a little more to share with your friends.

9. To knead is to knead all the flour into one dough.

10. Take out the kneaded dough, squeeze a piece down, and knead it into smaller circles.

11. It's like this, a small circle is equal to a cookie.

12. Put the small circles on the grill, press them with your hand, and you'll be fine, but be careful that the thickness of each one is close to each other, otherwise some will be ripe, some will not be good.

13. Now you can put it in the oven, put it in the middle of the oven, 170 degrees Celsius.

14. My oven usually cooks for nine minutes, and the time varies from oven to oven, and this requires you to understand the temperament of your oven.

15. Pay attention to the surface of the cookie, the surface begins to turn a little yellow, the fire can be turned off, and after a few minutes it can be removed.


Handy cooking tips

  The process of making Margaret's cookies is simple, and the more times you make them, the better they get.It is important to note that the amount of various ingredients in the recipe must be precise, otherwise it is easy to fail.