Bone soup cake

2023-10-29 14:38:06COOKIE


  Tomorrow is the seventh night, and many single dogs are barking again... oh, my sister is launching a soda cake today to soothe the soul of a single child, a bone soda cake!



Dough portion: moderate
1 g of flour
15 ml of olive oil
1 gram of salt
100 grams of low-fat flour
35 ml of milk at room temperature
Baking ingredients: the right amount
Oil paper 1 (crushed dough) 2 pieces
Oil paper 2 (in the oven) 1 piece
One knife.
Stainless steel stirring bowl 1

How TO MADE Bone soup cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the powder in a stainless steel bowl and open a hole.

2. Take a spoon out of the powder and put it in the powder bowl.

3. Take out the salt and put it in the dustbin.

4. Stir the dry powder of the first three steps until mixed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the oil in.

6. Stir until the flour is flaky.

7. Prepare the milk.

8. Pour the milk into the powder mixture, mix it roughly with a scraper, then wash your hands clean and start directly... rub until there are no particles.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide the dough into two pieces.

10. Take a copy and put it on a piece of oil paper.

11. Cover with another sheet of oil paper.

12. The dough is ground into thin slices of about 2 mm using a cylindrical object.

Steps 13 to 16

13. It is shaped with a bone-shaped biscuit mold.

14. After compression, each bone is separated individually by scraping it along the tracks with a toothpick.

15. You can pick it up by hand and put it on the oil paper 2, and if it's too soft to pick up, you can blow it up with a fan for a few minutes and let the surface dry.

16. Using a fork to dig holes, you can make the biscuits not bubble during the baking process.

Steps 17 to 20

17. One by one on oil paper 2, with a slight distance between them.

18. Another piece of dough is also flattened, printed, and lined up on oil paper using the previous method.

19. (You can't eat the bones alone, the little gloves keep you warm)

20. Line up one by one.

21. Preheat the oven at 165 °C, after two minutes put the biscuits in the semi-finished form, heat at 150 °C for 20 to 25 minutes (for reference only, adjust according to the temperature of your oven)

22. Finished products

23. Finished products

24. Finished products

Handy cooking tips

  1. the baking powder is neutral, the baking soda (baking soda powder) is alkaline, in essence there is a difference, but seeing in other recipes of bean powder there is the use of baking soda, so the baking soda in this recipe can be replaced with baking soda; 2. the baking soda biscuits are made with baking soda (baking soda powder), so you can not do without adding; 3. oil can be used instead of other oils, not only olive oil, because it is not used much, it does not affect the taste; 4. separate the two doughs because the dough is not too good to grind the assembly operation, so divide into two pieces