Vegetable cookies

2023-10-29 14:39:41COOKIE


  It's really too lazy, too lazy, the photo has been in my phone for a long time, it hasn't been uploaded, I even wanted to delete it... I hesitated, I don't know when the next time I'll have more motivation, so I'm still holding on to my lazy cancer... This recipe is yours, I like it because it's low in oil, I like the smell of onion spray, this biscuit is made twice in total, the first time it's a little thick, but it's not very thick, the bottom half is thick, the top half is not completely thick, the second time it's just thin, the result is the opposite, it's too thin, it's not crisp, so in conclusion, it's a little thick, it's a little low, it's baked for a long time, because onions and carrots don't really like it.This cookie is not made enough, it's too trendy!



120 grams of low-fat flour
35 grams of carrot paste
35 grams of onion paste
30 grams of vegetable oil
10 g of white sugar
1 gram of baking soda
1 g of yeast
1 gram of salt
1 g of pepper powder

How TO MADE Vegetable cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the onions and carrots, squeeze the juice into the bowl for backup.

2. There is no low-fat flour, there is whole wheat flour.

3. I'm wearing gloves so I don't have to wash my hands!

4. Add vegetables and pepper powder, the original recipe can be mixed directly into the dough, however, it's too silly... so little oil, even if there's a little bit of moisture in the dish, but it's not enough to mix the dough! Besides, let the juice come out first... I'm so responsible, I didn't throw the juice away!

Steps 5 to 8

5. Don't take it too seriously.

6. I don't think I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to do it in three or four millimeters, and I think it's the best thickness, and it's going to be a little bit higher, and it's going to be a little bit looser, and it's not going to be very well baked.

7. It's like this, it's less than 150 degrees, it's more than 170 degrees, it's ten minutes, it's a little bit lower, it's a little bit longer, it's probably all roasted.

8. It's a delicious biscuit, and it's easy to make, so it's worth a try.


Handy cooking tips

  My oven feels unhealthy, all my eyes are staring...