Cranberry cookies and cookies

2023-10-29 14:43:17COOKIE


  I can only say it's really good.



345 grams of low-fat flour
225 grams of butter
140 grams of sugar powder
100 grams of cranberries
45 grams of egg juice

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the material, the butter should be softened.

2. Butter and sugar powder, stir evenly with a chopstick, softened butter is well stirred, stir until the butter turns white without sugar powder

3. Scatter the eggs (score them in half, use only half), add two to three to the butter bowl

4. Dried cranberries (large chunks to be chopped) in butter to stir the egg juice

Steps 5 to 8

5. Powder in the screen

6. Stir until dry, stir with a scraper, not stir, not by hand

7. It is wrapped in oil and paper, as it is more difficult to walk on soft ground.

8. .

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then you can shape it by hand, or you can put it in a mold, and then you can put it in the fridge, not in the fridge, but in the freezer, and it takes more than two hours.

10. (If you can't finish it, you can keep it in the fridge and bake it the next time you open it.)

11. This time the oven is preheated, 170 degrees.

12. Cut the dough to a size of about 3 cm x 5 cm x 7 mm and put it in the baking tray, with a certain gap, otherwise it will stick together

13. Put it in the oven, put the biscuits in the middle, heat it up to 170 degrees, about 23 minutes.

14. Out of the oven! None of them are big enough.

15. At this time, you can't touch the cookie right away, you have to put it in the oven for about 10 minutes, then gently transfer it to the oven to cool it down, wait until there is no heat, then you can continue to the next step.

16. This can make about 50 of this size.

17. ♪ Oh, my ♪