Spicy peanut butter cookies

2023-10-29 14:43:18COOKIE


  My sister brought back a can of peanut butter from abroad, thinking of making some biscuits to eat, yesterday I was eating roasted peanut butter, suddenly I remembered, roasted peanut butter on the peanut butter cake package will surely be more fragrant, what shape is the package?



Peanut butter (pellets with a salty taste) 100 grams
Low powder 130 grams
30 ml of peanut oil
30 grams of white sugar
Cook four red peanuts in moderation

How TO MADE Spicy peanut butter cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of materials

2. Peanut butter and mixture

3. What it looks like after stirring

4. Mixed sugar

Steps 5 to 8

5. Screening for low dust

6. And the dough.

7. Take one three-gram dough, wrap it in a four-grain red peanut, and collect it.

8. The way to roast peanuts is in my recipe.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Wrap two peanuts and stick them together in the middle.

10. Modeling the middle part with a chopstick

11. Some of the peanut biscuits are shaped in a way that makes them look real.

12. Oven middle layer up to 180 degrees for 15 minutes

13. Finished product

14. Finished product

Handy cooking tips

  I'm going back to eating canned peanut butter, my can is salty, I don't know if it's sold with salt, if you use peanut butter without salt, please add a little salt in the square.The freshly baked biscuits are thick and easy to spread, so please eat them after cooling.No peanut oil can be substituted for other vegetable oils.