Gift box cookies

2023-10-29 14:45:15COOKIE





100 grams of butter
100 grams of flour
One egg.
130 grams of flour
2115 grams of flour
15 grams of cocoa powder

How TO MADE Gift box cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter at room temperature softened sugar powder

2. Launched as a feather

3. Keep sending the eggs.

4. Until the butter, sugar and eggs are completely mixed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Prepared powder 130 grams

6. 115 grams of cocoa powder, 15 grams of cocoa powder, mixed

7. Remove about 120 grams of butter solution and sift through 130 grams of powder.

8. Grind the dough, flatten it, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for about an hour.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The remaining butter solution (about 120 grams) is mixed with 130 grams of cocoa powder in the sieve.

10. Mix into cocoa dough, crush, put in the refrigerator and refrigerate for one hour.

11. Remove the white dough, knead it into a rectangle 8 cm wide, 24 cm long, 6-7 mm thick, then cut it into 4 pieces, 2 cm wide each, on average

12. The cocoa dough is made into a rectangle about 12 cm long, 24 cm wide, and 4 mm long, ready to be used.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cut two 2 cm wide and 24 cm long cocoa powder, together with four white doughs to make two kneaded doughs.

14. Six long strips pressed together into two clamped strips

15. Cut each clamp length vertically into three pieces, each 6 to 7 mm wide, fold 90 degrees, with the cocoa clamp side upwards.

16. Take two more white doughs, and another cocoa dough, and repeat the process above.

Steps 17 to 20

17. I got a total of six long bars.

18. Take two long sticks and cut one cocoa dough, the width should be similar to the sticks (about 22 mm), the two sticks are superimposed, the cocoa dough is placed in the middle, into a cross sticks the cocoa dough sticks, slightly pressed.

19. Cover with a fresh film and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

20. For the remaining long strips, repeat the above process to get a total of 3 cross-stitched doughs.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

22. The remaining cocoa powder and a small amount of white flour, we make butterflies.

23. Take a square, cut the diagonal, and you get four triangles.

24. Add white dough and make a butterfly knot.

25. Make a pile and put it in the fridge.

26. The frozen dough is removed and cut into squares about 1 cm thick.

27. Put the butterflies on.

28. Preheat the oven to about 175 degrees and take out for 15 minutes.

29. The high-quality visual series is delicious.
