Red sugar oatmeal cookies

2023-10-29 14:46:03COOKIE


  There's always a shortage of sugar in biscuits, and since it's unavoidable, it's a good idea to replace it with a little bit of healthy sugar. Red sugar is the most natural sugar, made directly from sugarcane juice, mildly replenished with many trace elements, best suited for women.



60 grams of vegetable oil
50 grams of oatmeal
90 grams of low-fat flour
45 grams of red sugar
10 grams of water
2 grams of baking soda

How TO MADE Red sugar oatmeal cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add 60 g of vegetable oil to a clean bowl

2. Add 45 grams of red sugar

3. Add 2 g of baking soda and stir.

4. Add 10 g of pure water

Steps 5 to 8

5. How to stir evenly

6. I'm in oatmeal tea, because I don't like oatmeal in milk tea, so I gathered.

7. Added low-strength powder

8. Stir with the egg batter.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then knead it into a dough, it'll be a little thin.

10. Then it's cooked in small groups at will, and it's put on a grill, and it's on fire at 175 degrees, and it's in the middle for about 20 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  It's supposed to be a dark color, so be careful not to bake it; it's supposed to be baked as long as possible on an unbaked basis so that the soda doesn't taste bitter.