Margaret of the Bamboo

2023-10-29 14:46:05COOKIE


  My family doesn't eat butter, so I can't make a lot of biscuits, people's recipes are always made with butter, can't you use corn oil to make bread, I want to make butter biscuits and try corn oil instead.The last time I made bamboo charcoal toast, it had a big response, so I wanted to make another black cookie to see which one was better, and I thought about the Margaret I made when I first started baking it, and I made the simplest Margaret, but this Margaret is Miss Africa.I can't wait to taste it, don't look at us, it's dark, it's good to eat, it's delicious, it tastes a bit like the palace peach, it's not hard to eat anyway, in the future you can make biscuits with vegetable oil.



Two eggs.
155 grams of flour
100 grams of corn oil
50 grams of white sugar
1 gram of salt
2 grams of bamboo powder

How TO MADE Margaret of the Bamboo

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, use a glass bowl to boil 100 grams of corn oil.

2. Add one gram of salt

3. Add 50 grams of white sugar

4. Mix the eggs evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then add 2 grams of bamboo charcoal powder and stir.

6. Prepare two cooked eggs.

7. Use a spoon to pass the yolk through the sieve and into the bowl.

8. The flour is sifted into the bowl with a flour sieve and stirred.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then rub it with your hands into small balls and put it in the pan.

10. Press the middle of each ball with your thumb.

11. Put it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes, then continue baking in the oven for a while, it will be more crispy.


Handy cooking tips

  Since the grill I use is thicker, I put it at the bottom of the oven, and the cooking time is longer, so you have to adjust it according to your circumstances.