The Angel Knot

2023-10-29 14:46:20COOKIE





Low starch flour: 100 grams
70 grams of butter
Flour and sugar: 25 grams
2 grams of flour
Protein: 10 grams

How TO MADE The Angel Knot

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, mix the butter with the sugar powder evenly.

2. Add the protein three times in step 1 and stir evenly.

3. Add low-fat flour and spices after sifting in step 2 and mix into a dough.

4. The dough is loosened for about 10 minutes, divided into 8 g/piece, and rubbed by hand to grow into strips.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The long plate is made into a butterfly knot and placed in the grill pan.

6. It is baked at 180/160 °C for about 12 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  When mixing butter and sugar powder, do not mix the butter too much.When adding protein, do not add it too quickly.The added powder needs to be screened.The size of the division should be even when rubbing the long strips, thick and thin.The shape and size of the butterfly knots must be consistent.Pay attention to the temperature of the baking and the surface color of the baking.