Chocolate cartoon cookies

2023-10-29 14:47:10COOKIE





110 grams of wheat flour
200 grams of chocolate
1.5 grams of yeast
55 grams of milk
15 grams of sugar
0.4 grams of salt
17 grams of butter

How TO MADE Chocolate cartoon cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the milk and yeast into the container and stir evenly.

2. Add sifted wheat flour and salted sponge sugar mixed into a dough.

3. Add butter and stir until smooth.

4. Use plastic bags and wake up in a warmer place for 1.5 hours.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After the dough is fully inflated, remove the plastic paper, open the dough to a thickness of 1.5 mm, loosen for 15 minutes, and press it out with a circular press.

6. With a stamp with a pattern, dip it in colored perfume oil, and print the pattern on the face.

7. Spray a moderate amount of water on the surface and wake up for about 20 minutes.

8. Bake at 220/200°C for about 8 minutes and cool in the oven.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After dissolving the chocolate, squeeze it inside until the inside is full.

10. When the chocolate is fully solidified, it can be packaged.

Handy cooking tips

  When you wake up, wrap the dough so that the skin is not dried by the wind.There is no need to make small holes in the surface, so that the biscuits will bubble up while baking.The dough needs to wake up, so the biscuits smell a little stronger.When pressed, the skin is slightly thinner, making the biscuits crisper.It can also be made with other molds or patterns.Chocolate can be packaged only after it has fully solidified.