A bite of blueberries

2023-10-29 14:47:16COOKIE





68 grams of butter
50 grams of powdered sugar (5-10 grams
not too sweet)
Two eggs.
Low powder (recommended) 100 grams
Baking powder (recommended for eternity) 19 grams
Blueberry sauce
30 grams (it is recommended to use blueberry sauce for baking)

How TO MADE A bite of blueberries

Steps 1 to 4

1. Low-fructose milk powder should be screened

2. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and prepare the sugar and butter.

3. The butter is softened at room temperature (it can be pressed for fingerprints) and added to the sugar powder to make it delicate.

4. This step is important because the butter is too hard and it's easy for the water to separate from the oil, which affects the final taste and selling image, so it must be strict.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Butter can be applied until it is slightly white, and excessive application can also lead to oil separation.

6. Add the egg yolk gradually (one at a time) and stir evenly with the butter.

7. Add the screened milk powder and low powder to 4 and mix the mixture by hand until it is fine and smooth (no raw powder and not sticky)

8. Wrap the dough in a preservative film and refrigerate for 15 minutes (preferably 4°C)

Steps 9 to 12

9. When the dough is loose, remove the preservative film from the refrigerator and use an electronic scale to divide the dough into small doughs of about 6 g each.

10. Lay baking paper flat on a flat oven plate (avoid sticky plates), then preheat at 170 degrees Celsius in the oven.

11. The divided small dough is quickly kneaded with both hands, about 20 to 30 degrees, the strength is moderate to the dough is tight on the surface smooth and without cracks, do not knead too much or too little will cause the dough to crack.

12. The use of a good round ball is to insert a hole in the center of the circle (do not insert), and place the hole on the grill.

13. Put the blueberry sauce in a flower bag, and cut a small mouth 5 mm wide at the bottom of the flower bag.

14. Squeeze the blueberry sauce into the round hole of the biscuit.

15. The pan is placed in a preheated oven (middle layer) and baked at 170 °C for about 15 minutes until the biscuit is slightly dark yellow around the edges.

16. It's ready to eat when it's cooked.

17. A beautiful finished product.

Handy cooking tips

  Reference tools: electronic, hand-held, flat-bottomed, baking paper, fresh film, flower bags, sieve powder, silicone shovel.