Easy-to-make - wheat flour cookies

2023-10-29 14:47:18COOKIE





100 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of butter
30 grams of flour
20 grams of egg
10 grams of milk powder
20 grams of wheat flour
0.5 grams of baking soda

How TO MADE Easy-to-make - wheat flour cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter and sugar powder are mixed and applied by hand in one direction until the color turns white and the volume is noticeably swollen.

2. Add the eggs to the butter and stir evenly in the same direction.

3. Mix flour and soda powdered milk powder, sieve and mix in butter

4. When the flour is snowflake-shaped, add the wheat flour and gently rub it into a cylinder.

Steps 5 to 8

5. You can divide the dough into about 30 small doughs.

6. Take a small piece of dough, rub it around, put it on the grill, press it flat with your finger (similar to Margaret's biscuits), put it in a preheated oven, heat it up to 180 degrees, lower it to 150 degrees, about 15 minutes, and the surface of the biscuits will be colored.

Handy cooking tips

  120 grams of eggs should be taken first with a full egg yolk, if the portion is not enough to add the egg yolk to 20 grams 2 grams after adding the wheat flour do not rub the dough vigorously, to prevent the wheat flour from breaking, if it is a little sticky, take a small amount of flour can be anti-sticky 3 grams of finished products because the wheat flour is added, the surface will not be smooth, this is normal, if your finished products do not see the whole wheat flour, do not call the wheat flour biscuits Ha 4 grams shaped actually do not have too strict requirements, it is good, does not affect the taste