Coconut protein biscuits

2023-10-29 14:49:13COOKIE





2 g of protein (70 g)
70 grams of coconut
70 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Coconut protein biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Ensure that the protein-filled bowl and the egg-breaker are oil-free and water-free.

2. The eggs are first sent at low speed to the state of fish-eye bubbles using an egg beater.

3. Add fine sugar three times.

4. And keep sending the eggs.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Keep sending the eggs to the state shown in the picture: lift the egg beater, and the protein will pull out a curved downward pointed corner (moist bubble).

6. Add coconut to the protein.

7. Stir from the bottom up with a rubber scraper to mix the coconut flour and protein evenly.

8. Be careful when stirring, do not stir in a circle, and do not stir for too long, so as not to release good protein.

9. The mixed dough is placed in a bag of flowers and squeezed out on a grill into a small dough the size of a dollar coin.

10. Place the finished dough in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 20 minutes, and the surface will turn a little golden yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  The ingredients of this cookie are very simple, but the preparation requires a lot of care.It is also necessary to pay attention to the method and intensity when mixing protein and coconut milk, if the protein is well dissolved, the biscuits made lose the unique flavor of the outer gingerbread.2 Mix the protein coconut dough, squeeze it into the pan as soon as possible and bake it.If the protein is not placed in the oven for a long time after mixing, it will also evaporate, seriously affecting the effect.3 baked biscuits are the taste of the outer gingerbread.After complete cooling, put in a sealed box for preservation.If the outer skin becomes soft during the preservation of the biscuit, it can be placed in the oven and the surface is baked again until it is crispy.