Small biscuits with milk

2023-10-29 14:51:36COOKIE


  This is a milk biscuit full of milk powder fragrance, young children will love to eat, light sweetness, hard crispy taste, can both brush their teeth, and can relieve cravings Oh! a small piece to hold in a small hand, dry hand feel, completely not greasy, mothers do not have to worry about eating dirty little hands, blackened little mouth Oh! this biscuit, after egg fruit is another very suitable snack for young children, love mommy will learn Oh~



35 grams of butter
145 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of pure milk
40 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of milk powder
Two eggs.

How TO MADE Small biscuits with milk

Steps 1 to 4

1. 35 grams of butter is cut into small pieces and melted into a liquid by hydrothermal heating.

2. Go to the container and add two eggs.

3. Then, add 40 grams of milk and stir evenly in an egg beater to form a mixed liquid.

4. Then, add the melted butter.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Finally, add 40 grams of fine sugar, 15 grams of milk powder, and 145 grams of low-fat flour to the mixture.

6. Mix it by hand into a smooth dough.

7. The dough is placed in a large freshness bag and pounded with a stick into rectangular slices about 0.3 cm thick.

8. Cut the rectangular surface into small squares of about 1.5 cm square.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the cubes in the oven.

10. Oven 180 degrees, up and down fire, preheat for 2 minutes, then put the grill in the middle layer and bake for about 15 minutes.

11. Sealed after cooling.


Handy cooking tips

  1 teaspoon to make a smooth dough, but do not knead for too long, otherwise it may affect the crispness of the biscuits.When kneading the dough, due to the different water absorption of the flour and the measurement error, it may cause a different degree of softness and hardness of the dough, generally without much effect, but if the dough is too dry to form a group or too wet to cause sticky hands, you can appropriately increase or decrease the amount of some low-fat flour.3 Because this little biscuit has a very small head, it is especially necessary to control the temperature when baking, do not overcook it, in the last few minutes you have to stare at the oven.