Electric bells and biscuits

2023-10-29 14:52:21COOKIE





40 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of cornstarch
Egg whites (cooked) 2
15 ml of flaxseed oil
10 grams of sesame
10 grams of peanuts
White sugar 12 grams
4 grams of salt

How TO MADE Electric bells and biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Sesame, peanut butter, cook it with a doughnut stick, let the peanut crack, and the smell will come out.

2. I started with a spoon, and then I started with a doughnut, and then I started with a doughnut, and then I started with a doughnut.

3. Egg whites, sesame seeds, peanut butter, evenly mixed, poured into low powder and peanut butter, white sugar, all mixed evenly,

4. Pour into the flaxseed oil, I divided it three times, each time I poured it, I stirred it with the chopsticks, and after adding the oil, I poured it into the clear water, this suggestion was poured a little slowly, while pouring it with the chopsticks, when the flakes appeared, I started to knead the dough with my hands, after kneading the dough, I put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes (the original recipe said 30 minutes)

5. After forty minutes, take out the dough, shape the dough, then put it in the kettle, one side starts to turn yellow and then flip over (the original recipe said one side for three minutes), I like semi-dry things, after almost ten minutes both sides are colored, out!

Handy cooking tips

  1: the amount of sugar and salt varies according to your taste, I don't like it to be too sweet, I've reduced the amount of sugar in the whole recipe 2: I don't know if it tastes better with butter, I use flaxseed oil, the legend is healthierSimilarly, compared to the original recipe, the amount of oil is reduced, you can choose to use oil according to your ingredients 3: the biscuits are made as thin as possible when shaping, so it's crispy and better to eat! I have two too thick, it tastes good, but it's a little bitter to eat! 4: In the end I found that this recipe and the Margaret biscuits in the oven are almost the same, the oven biscuits seem to be about 170 degrees, I don't know if other oven recipes can be used for electric biscuits!