Homemade cookies

2023-10-29 14:53:55COOKIE


  The potential to eat is always unlimited, the first time I made cookies, I couldn't help but want to sunbathe, before " suffering from " weight loss, my sister issued a ban on snacks, violated a fine of 100 yuan, so I cared about my own potential to eat, thinking that I could always eat what I made, not eat what I bought, and I didn't like what I did, and what I did was healthier, after all, all the ingredients were wooden.



Flour (ordinary 200 grams bought)
100 grams of butter
One egg.
10 grams of milk
15 grams of tea

How TO MADE Homemade cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The previous steps have been forgotten to be recorded with a camera, now what we see is a semi-finished product, in the state of the oven money, so let's briefly introduce it now.1. Put the butter in the pan and melt at normal temperature 2. Add the eggs, spread a little 3. Add the right amount of white sugar, spread together 4. The flour 200 grams is added in several batches, during which a small amount of milk is added to adjust the taste, when the dough is about to be kneaded, the cut is mixed in the dough, kneaded into a light surface dough 5. Cover the fresh film and put in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

2. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, the pan is coated with tin foil, a thin layer of cooking oil is applied, the biscuits are coated and then baked in the oven for 10 minutes, the biscuits slowly turn from yellow to white to slightly yellow, almost.

3. Yes, the finished product is out of the oven, it's just out of the oven, it's not crisp enough, but I still prefer the taste of the freshly out of the oven, wait for it to cool, the taste will become a little crisper.

4. The last detailed map, completed