Light cream cookies

2023-10-29 14:56:22COOKIE


  There were no eggs in the house, so I found a cookie with no eggs, and it was delicious, and it was delicious, and it was sweet, and it was delicious.



60 grams of butter
60 grams of cream
25 grams of flour
Low powder 110 grams

How TO MADE Light cream cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter-sweetened powder, served until light in color, divided into three sugar-sweetened powder

2. Add the light cream three times to the good butter.

3. Shake the cream before use so that the oil and water do not separate.

4. It's like a feather.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Low-fat flour sifted and stirred evenly

6. Put the flowers in the bags, the flowers in the oven, the middle layer is 175 degrees, for 30 minutes, the temperature of each person's oven is high or low, and then look for a few minutes!