Almond flakes

2023-10-29 14:56:43COOKIE


  Almond flour, a practical little mouth of simplicity, made by hand, enjoyed at will.We all love that nut, we all love that crisp.



70 grams of almonds
45 grams of fine sugar
10 grams of low-fat flour
2 drops of herbs
35 grams of protein
30 grams of butter

How TO MADE Almond flakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. Melting of butter with water.

2. Almond slices, fine sugar, low starch flour mixed together evenly.

3. Added protein

4. Drip the vanilla extract into the liquid warm butter

Steps 5 to 8

5. Press and stir evenly

6. Put it in the fridge for one night.

7. Spoon with water. Take a spoonful of almond slices and put them on a grill, and use the back of the spoon to spread them flat and thin.

8. 180 degrees Middle layer 12 minutes Roast until golden brown

9. After baking, when it's hot, it's soft, when it's cut, when it's cold, it's crispy, when it's sealed, it doesn't taste good!

Handy cooking tips

  It's a very simple and delicious snack, so don't bake it, just keep it on the side of the oven!I used a round dough, and then I thought, why not make it round in the first place, ha ha ha! Refrigeration overnight will make the dough and the almond slices more delicate, and the baked taste will be better!