Soda cookies

2023-10-29 14:57:48COOKIE


  It's made with cotton candy, and it's good. Oh, it tastes good even without cotton candy.



150 grams of low-fat flour
One gram of baking soda
10 g of white sugar
45 grams of vegetable oil
2 grams of yeast
60 grams of warm water
3 grams of salt

How TO MADE Soda cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add the yeast to 60 g of warm water and let stand for a while.

2. The powder is mixed through a sieve into a large bowl and mixed evenly with salt and sugar.

3. Pour into the yeast water and mix slightly with the chopsticks.

4. Pouring into vegetable oil

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix with a knife, put in a preservative and ferment for about half an hour.

6. The fermented dough is removed, ground into thin slices with a doughnut stick, and pressed into the desired shape with a mold.

7. Put it in a toaster and use a fork to make small holes in the surface of the biscuit.

8. The oven is preheated at 180 degrees.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it in a preheated oven for about 12 minutes.

10. Cotton candy cutting spare

11. Take out the baked biscuits, put the right amount of cotton candy on them, put them back in the oven, bake them for a while, and wait for the cotton candy to melt a little bit.

12. Take out another cookie and cover it.

13. Figure 1

14. Figure 2

Handy cooking tips

  I found out that there was some cotton candy left in the fridge, so I made two cotton candy, and the next time I tried to melt the cotton candy, it would work better, and I did it a little bit more conveniently.