I like biscuits.

2023-10-29 14:59:13COOKIE


  After the release of the panda cookies, some friends said that it was too complicated, and that it was necessary to have this mold, and asked me if I had something simpler, in fact, I was also trying to figure out, counting today this is the second baked cookies.This cookie that I'm sharing with you today, it doesn't need a mold, it can be shaped by hand, you can see how much I love it, every time I make a dough, I have to think about this shape first.



20 grams of cocoa powder
150 grams of low-fat flour
35 ml of vegetable oil
45 g of white sugar
One gram of baking soda
1 g of flour
20 grams of whole egg juice

How TO MADE I like biscuits.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing all the ingredients

2. White sugar is heated and melted in milk

3. Add vegetable oil when cooling below 50 degrees

4. Add whole egg juice and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add baking powder and baking soda to the flour

6. Sieve the flour into the milk liquid

7. Mix with a rubber scraper so that the flour and the liquid are completely mixed into a dough (the same method as grinding cocoa powder dough), put the two doughs in the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than half an hour when the dough is slightly hard

8. Remove the frozen dough and knead both the cocoa dough and the original dough into evenly thick slices (about 2 to 3 mm)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the cocoa leather on top of the original leather.

10. Center line, both sides rolled in the middle, into the refrigerator freezer

11. The frozen side is cut evenly, and the frozen side is cut well.

12. Baking: Oven middle layer, 170 degrees up and down, about 20 minutes.

13. (Baking time varies depending on the thickness of the biscuit)

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of dough needs to be refrigerated for a while, otherwise it will be more sticky and soft and not easy to operate 2 tablespoon of baking, 3 tablespoons of baked biscuits are completely cooled and then sealed and stored 4 tablespoons of this ratio, biscuits are not very sweet, if you like high sweetness, you can increase the amount of sugar appropriately 5 tablespoons if it is complicated, after freezing this step, you can have time to slice and bake again, no problem