Low-calorie biscuits with black sesame seeds

2023-10-29 15:00:25COOKIE


  Lately we've been arguing about losing weight and not eating sweets, but we're hungry and we want to eat, so 27 tried to make this little cookie today, and I don't know how high the calories are, I always think it should be a little lower than the average cookie.



100 grams of low-fat flour
2 grams of seaweed
20 grams of black and white sesame
5 grams of fine sugar
1/4 teaspoon of powder
2 tablespoons of cooked rapeseed oil
25 grams of eggs

How TO MADE Low-calorie biscuits with black sesame seeds

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the rapeseed oil, white sugar, and egg juice in the bowl, and the electric egg beater will boil.

2. The powder and flour are mixed evenly, added to the egg solution, and mixed well by grinding the rice.

3. Add the crushed seaweed and black sesame, continue to stir evenly, knead into a dough.

4. Make it the shape you like. (27 is lazy, it's usually a small round cake.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put in a preheated oven, 150 degrees, on and off for 15 minutes (adjust the temperature and time according to your oven!)

6. The resulting seaweed biscuits are crispy and crispy, and the seaweed itself is salty, so you can add a little bit of salt according to your personal taste, but 27 doesn't seem to be appropriate either.

7. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right.