Baby snack sesame cookies

2023-10-29 15:02:16COOKIE


  Two eggs baked in two plates, one plate at a time, not too much baked, I bake each plate separately, about 12 minutes is fine, if two plates are baked together, about 20 minutes, the color is fine.



30 grams of low-fat flour
10 grams of cornstarch
20 grams of corn oil
20 grams of milk
30 g of white sugar
Two eggs.
20 grams of white sesame

How TO MADE Baby snack sesame cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separate the egg whites and prepare the ingredients for the biscuits.

2. Stir the egg yolk slightly with a chopstick, add sugar and stir evenly, then add corn oil and milk to stir evenly, grind the cornstarch in the sieve, use a scraper to mix the flour and egg yolk evenly for use.

3. The protein is divided into three parts and added to the remaining white sugar, which is sent by an electric egg beater until it can be pulled up vertically.

4. Pour one-third of the cooked protein into the egg yolk paste, flip the egg yolk paste up and down to stir evenly, then pour the stirred uniform egg yolk paste into the remaining protein, flip up and down to stir evenly, do not draw circles, stirring will fade.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the mixed biscuit paste in a flower bag and squeeze it into small circles.

6. Spread the white sesame on the surface of the biscuit.

7. Preheat the oven at 150 degrees for 20 minutes, bake in a single layer for 12 minutes, bake in a double layer for 20 minutes, and the top color is ripe.

8. Baked small biscuits