Cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 15:03:18COOKIE


  On the way to the bakery, never to return.



130 grams of low-fat flour
75 grams of butter
55 grams of sugar
15 grams of egg juice
Dried cranberries 15 grams

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's start making the crispy cranberry cookies!

2. Put the butter in the microwave and heat it for one minute until it melts, stirring evenly;

3. Add all the sugar powder to the butter and stir evenly;

4. Wait for the butter to cool, pour the egg juice into the butter and stir evenly;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour in the low-fat flour and stir evenly;

6. Cut the cranberries and mix them evenly in the mixture;

7. The dough is kneaded into a cylinder (if a square mold is preferable), wrapped in a preservative film, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for one hour;

8. After an hour, take the dough out, cut it into even pieces, put it in the oven and bake it: 160 degrees, 12 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. I'm the one who's on the stove.

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of butter is put in the microwave for a minute to heat it up, heat it up; 2 tablespoons of biscuits are best cut with a thinner knife, cut one down, not easy to cut; 3 tablespoons of baking time should be set according to the specific conditions of your home oven, also pay attention to the thickness of the cut.