Mango slices and cookies

2023-10-29 15:05:20COOKIE


  In the summer holidays, I studied baking at home, I wanted to eat biscuits, I did it, I added dried mangoes to the biscuits, I removed the fat from the biscuits, I enriched the taste of the biscuits, I had a fresh afternoon tea.



150 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of butter
50 grams of dried mango
One egg yolk.
40 grams of flour

How TO MADE Mango slices and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Just one egg yolk is enough.

2. The butter is pressed with a spoon, from a lump to a sticky paste, sifted into sugar powder, stirred evenly to no particles with a single egg beater, the egg beater is more difficult to control, remember to hold the handle firmly, use a deeper container to prevent the butter from splashing out

3. Add the egg yolk, mix the butter and the dough evenly, sift the low-fat flour three times, mix evenly, the dough is drier, it is normal, finally add the mango dry, so that the mango dry is evenly distributed in the dough.

4. It's better to dry the mango with a little bit of moisture, the Philippine 7d mango can be dried.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is kneaded into a square shape, the cross-sectional area is determined by preference, wrapped in a preservative film, placed in the freezer and removed after half an hour.

6. Remove the rectangular dough, use a sharper knife slice, about five millimeters, cut more evenly, it is easier to control when baking, the cutting process is easy to break, you can press it again by hand, or cut thicker

7. Preheat the oven, apply a thin layer of olive oil to the bottom of the pan, place evenly, leave a gap between the biscuits and the biscuits to prevent sticking together, 150 degrees, bake for ten minutes, turn over, another 150 degrees, bake for five minutes.

8. You can eat it when it dries.

9. This amount can be used to make about twenty or thirty tablets, sanitary, healthy, ready-to-eat, loved by everyone in the family.
