Bear and Almond cookies

2023-10-29 15:06:39COOKIE





Low powder 65 grams
28 grams of butter
25 grams of flour
15 g of eggs
Almonds in moderation

How TO MADE Bear and Almond cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Soften the butter, blend it in the blender.

2. A little bit of sugar.

3. Add the scattered egg juice gradually, stirring evenly each time and adding again.

4. Add low powder and mix with silicone shovel

Steps 5 to 8

5. Use by hand and prepare the dough, cover it with a preservative and let it sit for at least half an hour.

6. Opened, pressed with a mold, baked almonds, shaped

7. Oven 150 degrees, roast for about 10 minutes.

8. Each oven has a different temperament, and the thickness of the pan needs to be adjusted accordingly to the oven temperature and time.

9. Cooked, cooled and sealed

Handy cooking tips

  We can do about 15 here.