Margaret of the Lemons

2023-10-29 15:06:40COOKIE


  This cookie is simple, it looks normal, it doesn't feel special, but after trying it, I know it's so delicious.The biscuit entrance is improvised, with a slightly salty lemon flavor.The full name of Margaret's cookies is "Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy", and in English it is "Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies".It is said that a waiter fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert.



50 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of cornstarch
18 grams of flour
1 gram of salt
50 grams of butter
One boiled egg.
20 drops of lemon
3 drops of herbs

How TO MADE Margaret of the Lemons

Steps 1 to 4

1. The eggs are boiled in cold water, soaked in cold water for a few minutes, and then set on fire until the water boils.

2. After boiling, boil for about eight minutes, remove and cool in cold water.

3. The egg yolk cooked to this degree is drier and easier to pass through the sieve.

4. Extract the egg yolk from the screen

Steps 5 to 8

5. Weight of raw materials

6. After softening the butter, add sugar powder and salt, and spread with an egg beater until it is slightly swollen, slightly lighter in color, and swollen.

7. Added egg yolk, stirred evenly

8. Add lemon juice and vanilla extract and stir.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Sieve into a mixture of low starch and cornstarch, stir evenly

10. Mix by hand, the dough is drier, harder, wrap in a preservative film and refrigerate for one hour

11. Remove the dough, take a small piece, and knead it into small round balls.

12. Place the small round ball on the grill and press it with your thumb, and the biscuit will naturally crack.

13. I've made about 16 of them, and I've preheated the oven to 160 degrees, and I've cooked them for 15 to 20 minutes, and I've seen the edges change color a little bit.

14. The roasted margarita entrance is improvised, especially spicy, it tastes so good!

15. Afternoon tea time

Handy cooking tips

  If there are no conditions, it may not be refrigerated.