Sugar cream cookies - powdered

2023-10-29 15:08:35COOKIE





75 grams of butter
60 grams of flour
Low flour 100 grams
50 grams of flour
25 grams of whole eggs
150 grams of protein powder
Adequate water
A small amount of Wilton chromosome

How TO MADE Sugar cream cookies - powdered

Steps 1 to 4

1. Soften the butter at room temperature and send it out first.

2. Add the powdered sugar, stir evenly with a rubber scraper, and beat it to loose with an electric egg beater.

3. Add a small amount of whole egg juice to the spread butter.

4. (It can be divided into two)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Launch as pictured

6. The flour and butter are mixed evenly with a rubber scraper.

7. Mix it by hand into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film, refrigerate it for 20-25 minutes.

8. The dough is kneaded into a 5 mm thick dough skin with a kneading stick.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Use a mold to press a graphic on the skin of your face.

10. (If you don't have a mold, you can draw your favorite patterns on hard paper and carve them with a small knife.)

11. )

12. Placed evenly, it can be baked in an oven at 170 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Dry the baked biscuits.

14. Prepare protein powder, don't prepare too much at once, because it looks small, but it's also very useful.

15. But it's too little and too hard to send.

16. Add water, don't add too much at a time (a little bit more), and send it to the strong little triangle.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Divided into two parts, one adds 1-2 drops of chromatin and turns pink.

18. It is packed in a bag of flowers, the edges are drawn with the smallest number of round flower heads, and the surface is covered with the smallest number of round flower heads.

19. Squeeze a circle around the cookie.

20. All the biscuits are finished.

21. It is then poured into a pink flower bag with a moderate amount of water, diluted, and then baked.

22. Add a small amount of sugar beads when not completely dry.

23. The small beads are then squeezed with white, and if there are no sugar beads, the large and small round beads are squeezed with white sugar cream.

24. That's the end of it.

25. Isn't that cute?! (feels like I suddenly have a girl's heart haha)

26. )

27. Map of the finished product

28. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  When used, it should be covered with a protective film and moistened with a towel.2. When paving, it must be done on a flat surface.If the squeezed sugar cream cannot flatten itself, it indicates that the sugar cream is too thick and dense.3. The sugar cream on the edge needs to be thicker, and the surface needs to be diluted.4. If there are small bubbles, they can be broken with a needle, and the surface is flattened.