Olive oil and onion biscuits

2023-10-29 15:08:36COOKIE


  I made a delicious onion biscuit, which was very good, and the family loved it.The biscuits are crisp, tasty, not salty, and very spicy, and it took two hours to make, and it was shared by the family in just five minutes, and it was quite delicious! Baking: medium oven, 180 degrees Celsius, about 13 minutes



Use of hydrocarbons
45 grams of water
1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast
20 grams of malt sugar
15 g of olive oil
100 grams of starch
Use of onion oil peel
3 grams of salt
12 grams of fresh onions
26 grams of butter
50 grams of cornstarch

How TO MADE Olive oil and onion biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. First prepare the oil-water skin: add the rich powder, olive oil, malt sugar, yeast, and water to the wrapping barrel, and then start the kneading process.

2. After smoothing the dough, start the fermentation process.

3. Fermentation can be doubled, removed and fully exhausted.

4. This process takes about 90 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then make onion oil paste: mix cornstarch, waterproof melted butter, salt, and onion powder and knead into a dough.

6. It is wrapped in a water-oil wrapper.

7. After rolling, cover with a preservative film and let stand for 15 minutes.

8. The mixed dough is pressed and folded several times, about three times, and then kneaded into 2 mm thick slices.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Make small holes in the panel, try to make as many small holes as possible.

10. Use a pizza knife to cut the slices into small squares.

11. The biscuits are transferred to the baking tray, sprinkled with a little water on the surface, and placed in the oven, where they are fermented to a thickness of 1.5 to 2 times using the fermentation process.

12. Then the oven is preheated at 180 degrees up and down and then placed in the middle layer, baking for about 13 minutes until the surface is microscopically golden yellow.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Sealed after cooling.

14. Crispy onions and salty biscuits.

15. It's very good!

Handy cooking tips

  Since the skin of the oil needs to be fermented, the skin of the oil is made first, and during the fermentation of the skin of the oil, the material for the skin of the onion oil is prepared.When baking the dough, remember to sprinkle some dry powder on the board to prevent sticking.