Cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 15:11:29COOKIE





70 grams of butter
25 grams of white sugar (2 tablespoons)
15 grams of whole egg juice (1 tablespoon)
100 grams of low-fat flour
Dried cranberries

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and the sugar is mixed evenly.

2. No need to send.

3. Add whole egg juice and stir evenly.

4. Add chopped cranberries and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It can also be substituted for various dried fruits such as raisins, almonds, and walnuts.

6. Sift into low powder and stir evenly.

7. The soft dough is poured over the preservative film, the whole growth square is placed in the refrigerator and frozen (not refrigerated) for one hour.

8. After a while, remove the dough and cut it into 0.8 cm thick slices.

9. (Forgot to take a picture, used the previous almond cookie photo)

10. The oven is preheated to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit), the pan is coated with oil and paper, the middle layer is baked for 20 minutes, and after cooling, it is eaten.

11. You can replace cranberries with almonds, walnuts, and other nuts.
