The Gingerbread House

2023-10-29 15:12:36COOKIE


  It is said that at the time of the Crusades, ginger was an expensive imported spice, so it was only used on important holidays such as Christmas and Easter.Ginger is added to cake biscuits to add flavor and has a cooling effect.Over time, gingerbread became a snack associated with Christmas, with godfathers and godmothers sending gingerbread in various shapes to children on this day, or sneaking it into the children's anticipated socks.There is also a legend in the UK that unmarried women who eat gingerbread will meet their ideal partner.



500 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of butter
100 grams of red sugar powder
50 grams of eggs
70 grams of honey
Clean water 60 grams
100 grams of flour
5 grams of flour
2.5 grams of cinnamon powder
Surface brush (egg water): 10 grams of eggs
Surface brushing fluid (egg water): 20 grams of water
Egg whites (1 to 40 grams)
200 grams of flour
10 g of lemon juice
A little bit of food coloring
A little bit of decorative sugar

How TO MADE The Gingerbread House

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and stirred until smooth.

2. Add red sugar (red sugar is painful to sift, it is better to crush it in a cooking machine, otherwise there will be red sugar grains on the finished product), stir evenly.

3. Pour eggs, honey, and water in turn, stirring evenly.

4. All the powder is sifted and mixed by hand to form a dough.

5. (When the dough is first kneaded, the surface of the dough is rough.)

6. Continue to knead patiently for a while until the dough surface is smooth enough.

7. )

8. Put the dough in the refrigerator for an hour and cover it with a film to keep it fresh.

9. The loose dough is placed on a sheet of paper and pressed into a thin sheet of about 0.3 cm thickness, then pressed into shape with a mold.

10. (The dough can be divided into small pieces and baked in stages.)

11. )

12. Place the cut slices on the grill (try not to deform), use a fork to make some holes, brush a layer of egg juice, let it sit for about 20 minutes, brush another layer of egg juice, and put it in a preheated oven.

13. The middle layer is heated at 180 degrees for about 12-18 minutes (depending on the size of the biscuit). If you look closely, the color becomes darker and you can take it out and dry it.

14. Don't miss it by baking all the parts.

15. Finally, choose a larger, more casual mask as a base, and compare it to the house to make sure it fits the house.

16. The next step is to make a protein-sugar cream: a protein is hit with a small bubble, sifted into a sugar powder mixture, added to the lemon juice, and continued to hit the thickness.

17. (This step is very simple, you don't have to use an electric egg maker, you can do it directly with a manual egg maker)

18. Use a cup to put a bag of flowers in it, then pour sugar cream into it, and close the back of the mouth as a backup.

19. Once the biscuits are baked and cooled, you can start covering the house on the base.

20. First, assemble the bottom and glue the corresponding biscuits with sugar cream.

21. (The first few slices should be rolled, glued three times and then fixed with something, first glue the four walls, let the sugar cream dry naturally.)

22. )

23. After the sugar cream dries, start covering the roof.

24. By this time, the house had already taken shape.

25. Finally, add some slightly thinner sugar cream, dip the sugar cream on the roof with a hairbrush.

26. To create the feeling of snow hanging on the edge of the roof, the roof and the edge of the roof can be squeezed several times with some sugar cream, creating the feeling of a pile of snow.

27. Then decorate the house according to your preferences, and sprinkle some sugar powder all over the house, and the dream hut is complete.

28. (The Christmas tree and the little mushrooms next to the house are gingerbread made from the same dough)

29. Gingerbread and colored sugar cream on Christmas, is left with white sugar cream, put in different bags of flowers, squeeze a little bit of food dyes, mix in the bags of flowers, tie the back, cut the front of the little mouth drawn out.

30. Writing the steps

Handy cooking tips

  1. The gingerbread dough needs to be loose for a while before it cooks, otherwise it is easy to shrink back when it is opened and shaped with a mold.Similarly, it is better to loosen and bake for a while before baking, otherwise it may be easy to deform.2. If a plate of biscuits has different shapes and sizes, the smaller biscuits are baked first.Once the small biscuits are almost cooked, take out the baking tray, remove the small biscuits that have been cooked, and then put the remaining biscuits back into the oven to continue baking.The surface of the biscuit can also be scrubbed without egg yolk.The difference is that if the egg yolk is brushed, the surface of the biscuit will have a layer of gloss.4. Be a little patient when assembling the house.Especially the roof, it is necessary to wait for the sugar cream to dry and then loosen the hands to prevent the roof from falling off.5. Red sugar powder is made in the grinding cup of the red sugar cooker; the amount of ginger powder and cinnamon powder can be increased or decreased according to one's taste.6. Good sugar cream, the concentration can be freely adjusted as needed.For example, my gingerbread house, the sugar cream used to glue the house should be a little thicker, so you can add a little less lemon juice or a little more sugar powder.The sugar cream on the roof should be a little thinner, you can add a little lemon juice.