Chocolate and coconut meat cookies

2023-10-29 15:13:03COOKIE


  A few days ago, I bought some coconuts online, drank coconut juice, and threw away the rest of the coconut meat. It's a pity, look at the food made online with coconut meat, it's all stewed and so on, look at the biscuits are also raw, cocoa, cranberry, tea.I didn't find a cookie made with fruit, and with the idea of trying it out, I made this cookie made with coconut meat, added a small amount of chocolate and refined milk, the flavor of the coconut was more intense, the coconut in the cookie was baked at high temperature, had a slightly Q-shaped feel, and was still a very successful casual food.



80 grams of butter
100 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of sugar
13 grams of whole egg juice
13 grams of milk
1 gram of salt
Moderate amount of milk
Chocolate in moderation
Coconut meat in moderation

How TO MADE Chocolate and coconut meat cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Take the coconut flesh in moderation and cut it into small granules for backup.

2. All the main ingredients are weighed on a kitchen electronic scale.

3. Butter softening started.

4. The addition of fine sugar salt to the sugar powder causes the color to fade and the volume to swell.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Join the egg juice fully dispatched to fusion.

6. Add milk fully dispatched to integration.

7. The chocolate is melted and stirred evenly.

8. A small amount of chocolate is used, and the resulting biscuits are golden yellow, and a large amount of chocolate is used, so the amount of chocolate can be added according to personal preference.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Sieve in low-fat flour, coconut meat, refined milk and stir evenly with a scraper.

10. The baking tray is laid on oil paper, and the dough is pressed into shape with a flower-shaped biscuit mold of equal size.

11. Place the pan in a preheated oven, heat it up to 180 degrees, lower it to 120 degrees, and cook for 25 minutes.

12. The baking time is adjusted according to the thickness of the cookie, baking until it is crispy and the surface is golden yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  1. Nutritional value of coconut: Coconut has a high nutritional value.Chinese medicine in our country believes that the taste of coconut meat is sweet and smooth, and has the effect of supplying the spleen, stomach, and insecticide disinfection; coconut juice is sweet and warm, and has the function of fresh water.Modern medical studies have shown that coconut meat contains proteins and carbohydrates; coconut oil contains sugars, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C; coconut juice contains more nutrients, such as trace elements and minerals such as sugar, glucose, sugar, protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin C, and calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.From this it can be seen that coconut is a good product for both medicine and food.When the stomach is tired, the appetite is not stimulated, the limbs are tired, the body is weak, the coconut meat is chopped, and a reasonable amount of chicken meat and glutinous rice is added, the diet is cooked, the effect is better, because the chicken meat, the glutinous rice and the coconut meat are both nourished, processed in the form of soup, the benefit is more significant; the coconut adds cucumber to the lung fire; the warmth of chilled snow meat or clarified yellow coconut and coconut; when you have a cold cough, you may also eat some coconut meat, which can stop coughing.It is not advisable to eat coconut if you have a high body temperature; if you sleep at night for a long time, like to eat fried food, are easily irritable, and have a dry mouth, you should also remember not to eat too much coconut.Coconut flesh, also known as coconut milk, is the white, chewy flesh of the coconut milk of the palm family of plants.It has a smooth taste, a pleasant aroma, a pleasant taste, a pleasant taste, and a pleasant taste.Coconut flesh contains 60% to 65% oil, most of the fatty acids in the oil are saturated fatty acids, with only a small amount of fatty acids and sub-fatty acids.This is very different from ordinary vegetable oils.In addition, coconut meat contains some proteins, sugar, and glucose, which are also beneficial for skin health.