Kitty shaped biscuits

2023-10-29 15:13:05COOKIE





250 grams of low-fat flour
140 grams of butter
30 grams of milk powder
60 grams of flour
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Kitty shaped biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. It weighs 140 grams of butter, is cut into cubes about the size of a dollar coin, and is softened at room temperature (don't heat it with hot water or fire, that's not softening but melting).

2. After the butter has softened to room temperature, use a manual egg beater to smooth it out (this is not an electric egg beater for fear of spreading the butter, the butter after spreading will affect the taste), then add the sugar powder and continue to stir until fully mixed!

3. Mix the low-flour and milk powder evenly, then pour it into the sugar powder butter mixture, add 1 g of salt, knead the two into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for one hour.

4. After an hour, remove the dough from the refrigerator, which is slightly hard when first removed, wait about fifteen to twenty minutes to restore it to room temperature, knead it with a doughnut stick to a doughnut thickness of about 3 mm, then press it with a biscuit mold to your preferred shape.

5. After pressing several biscuits, there will be a lot of edge material left, you can knead the edge material into dough, repeat step 4, knead it into a dough cake about 3 mm thick, then press it with a biscuit mold, repeat the above steps, until the dough is finally not enough for one biscuit, you can throw it away!

6. The crushed biscuits are placed on a pan of oil paper, the oven is preheated for five minutes at 180 degrees, baking at 180 degrees takes 12 to 15 minutes to get out of the oven.

7. The recipe is for roasting about twenty or thirty cookies, and my cookies are thick, and if they're a little thinner, I estimate they can roast more than thirty.

8. What a kitty!

Handy cooking tips

  1.The butter must be softened in advance at room temperature, don't worry, in summer it can be softened in about half an hour! 2.The oven temperature and baking time should be determined according to your own oven, to see the surface color of the biscuit is almost the same.3. Look at it after a few minutes of baking, don't throw it in there and don't ask, it's easy to bake it into an African kitty.