A simple cookie

2023-10-29 15:13:06COOKIE





180 grams of butter
250 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of flour
One whole egg.

How TO MADE A simple cookie

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cut the butter, soften in the greenhouse, stir quickly, until it turns white, feathery,

2. Add sugar powder and stir evenly.

3. Mix one egg evenly and divide it into three parts into a paste of butter.

4. You can't finish it all at once, you have to split it up many times, and if you finish it all at once, it will cause a state of oil and water separation.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Preheat the oven, turn it on and off

6. Put the dough in a flower bag with a flower mouth.

7. Don't use too much force when stirring the flour.

8. It's hard to get into shape.

9. Roast for about fifteen minutes.

10. You can try a little bit of yellow.

11. If you don't see if it's ripe, take it out, squeeze it softly, and if it's soft, bake it for a few more minutes.

12. My material is just right, my oven at home is 30 liters, two milliliters, two ovens.

13. They all said it was delicious.

14. After step 3, the low-powder screen is too thick.

Handy cooking tips

  There are some small details to consider when making it.