Casual teas and cashew biscuits

2023-10-29 15:13:07COOKIE


  The usual moon cake moulds are four different shapes, so you can make a bunch of beautiful cookies with different patterns... this cookie has a lot of cashew nuts, especially good to eat, the nutritional value of cashew nuts is high, mainly because cashew nuts contain various proteins and fats that are easily absorbed by the human body, as well as vitamins.Baking a few cashew cookies for family and friends, making kung fu tea, eating side dishes, healthy and delicious snacks...



220 grams of peanut oil
200 grams of white sugar
Two eggs.
500 grams of flour
250 grams of cashews
2 grams of baking soda
2 grams of flour

How TO MADE Casual teas and cashew biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. 250 grams of cassava in a pan.

2. It is baked on low heat at 100 degrees for ten minutes, and the resulting biscuits are delicious.

3. Cooking machine grinding white sugar

4. Place the roasted cassava in the cooking pot, cover the lid, stir the cassava seeds and crush them for use.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In the bowl, add peanut oil and white sugar, then add the eggs and stir until thick.

6. Pour into the cassava and stir evenly.

7. Add the flour and the baking soda, boil the flour.

8. Stir with a knife so that the dry and wet ingredients are fully combined and mixed into a smooth dough

Steps 9 to 12

9. Measure 18 grams per small dose, roll it into small round balls, use the moon cake mold to make small balls, press the handle with force until it is not moved, and a clear biscuit with flowers comes out.

10. 150 degrees, cook on low heat for 10 minutes until the biscuit is slightly yellow, remove and dry on the grill until cool, store in a sealed container

Handy cooking tips

  You can exchange cashews for other fruits as you please.